The Māori Plan
Informed by The Schedule of Issues of Significance Report, the Māori Plan for Tāmaki Makaurau is a record of what Māori in the region said was important to them. Reviewed in 2017, the Māori Plan provides a framework for understanding Māori development aspirations and sets measures for Auckland Council to monitor progress towards desired cultural, economic, environmental and social outcomes for Māori.

The Schedule of Issues of Significance Report
The Schedule of Issues of Significance Report is one of our founding documents that is reviewed by each new board and guides our partnership with Auckland Council and other public and private sector agencies. In particular, it defines where Auckland Council has a major responsibility for action. It is our statutory responsibility to ensure the needs of our people are heard and communicated.
This report highlights the issues and opportunities to be considered by these organisations in planning and resourcing an effective response to the identified ‘issues of significance’ to Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau. The actions identified in The Schedule of Issues of Significance Report 2017 are assigned to specific parts of Auckland Council, including Local Boards and individual Council Owned Organisations (CCOs), with a focus on:
better policy;
improved processes and;
specific projects that will have a transformational and enduring impact on Māori outcomes.