Kia houkura te Māori i Tāmaki Makaurau
Healthy and Prosperous Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau
Our mission is to advance the interests of Māori in Tāmaki Makaurau by:
Helping Auckland Council to make decisions, perform functions and exercise powers that improve outcomes for Māori.
Promoting cultural, economic, environmental and social issues of significance to Māori.
Our Responsibilities
Established in 2010, Houkura is an independent body corporate of nine members based in Auckland. The Board has specific responsibilities and powers under the Local Government (Auckland Council) Act 2009 to promote issues of significance to Māori to the Auckland Council.
Two of our board members sit with voting rights on each of the council’s committees that deal with the management and stewardship of natural and physical resources. We also provide direction and guidance to the Auckland Council on issues affecting Māori to help improve council responsiveness to Māori. The Board meets at least six times a year. All meetings are open to the public except where confidential items are being considered.
Board membership is by way of a selection and appointment process. The Minister of Māori Development invites mana whenua to form a selection body. This body meets several times to select the nine board members. Seven members represent mana whenua and two members represent mātāwaka.
The Board term of office is three years. Current Board members were appointed in November 2022.
The Board is appointed to the following council committees:
Finance and Performance Committee
Planning, Environment and Parks Committee
Transport and Infrastructure Committee
Budget Committee
Audit and Risk Committee
Regulatory and Safety Committee
Civil Defence and Emergency Management Committee
Auckland Domain Committee.
CCO Oversight Committee
Expenditure Control and Procurement Committee
Long Term Plan
The Board’s Business Cases are strategically important to Auckland. They signal to the Council where it should focus to deliver on its strategy for Māori and how it can turn the strategic intent into action and deliver on outcomes that are fundamental to the success of the city.
The 2017 Board Business Cases document has been prepared to align with the Council’s planning cycle and input into the Long Term Plan. The indicative Business Cases are prepared at a high level to enable the next steps that are expected to include consultation and detailed business cases.
Rebrand Kōrero
Houkura Breakdown
In 2024 Houkura, formally known as the Independent Māori Statutory Board engaged an agency to support with the development of a new brand that represents the mahi we do here in Tāmaki Makaurau.
Going through a rebrand required the development of a new name and logo that incorporated the aspirations of the past, present and future.
Houkura was fitting as it can be understood to mean prosperous.
Tohu Breakdown
Ngutu Kākā at the top talks to the passing on of verbal knowledge and the importance of robust dialogue and discussion.
Te Ara a Tāwhaki is the long lines and speak to the pursuit of excellence.
Taki Toru originally used in Tāniko is to speak to the welcoming of visitors. In this instance its used as Koru for the same reasons.
Unaunahi speaks to the abundance of kai in the Waitematā and Tikapa Moana, also the Maramataka and connection to wai and the original tohu explanation of the importance of wai/moana.