Māori Value Report: Wairuatanga
Promote distinctive identity: Recognised sense of identity, uniqueness and belonging
Wairuatanga is distinctive to Māori spirituality. Wairua is the spiritual dimension of all existence; it speaks to the holistic wellbeing of an individual and also the spiritual synergy of the collective with which that individual identifies. Wairuatanga is as an essential requirement to health and therefore vital to the wellbeing and identity of Māori.
Wairuatanga is enhanced when there are opportunities to express and practice tikanga (culture), kawa (traditions) and mātauranga Māori (traditional Māori knowledge) in contexts such as marae and in Māori networks and interest groups.
Key Indicators
The desired cultural outcome for Wairuatanga is that Māori heritage is valued and protected. Wairuatanga is expressed in many art forms throughout this event and provides access to tikanga Māori such as karakia, rāranga, waiata and whaikōrero.
Tohu tangata whenua / pou
The Māori Plan’s objectives within the social pou of Wairuatanga is that “Māori social institutions and networks thrive”. This requires a platform for expressing Māori identity in a positive light, whether that be through business networks or kapa haka.
Participation in Māori performing arts
The focus for the environment pou from a Wairuatanga perspective is that “Māori taonga are enhanced or restored in urban areas”. Reflected in the way Māori culture and values are expressed within the urban space and places.
Protection of indigenous biodiversity
The desired outcome for the economic pou in the Māori Plan is that “Māori businesses are uniquely identifiable, visible and prosperous”. Collaborative partnerships are important for Māori businesses as they provide opportunities for growth and prosperity.
Māori business
In the Wairuatanga report, we discuss how Wairuatanga is being expressed in the creative sector, for example by using the Te Ara design principles.
When Māori businesses ground their practices in Wairuatanga, they recognise interrelationships between culture within the organisation and their business outcomes.